I have grown up around the Virgin my whole life and you don't often think of the Virgin simultaneously with trout, but there are, we just need to find them. My Dad grew up fishing below the bridge in Zion with his Grandfather. The trout were stocked then and they caught them on worms, but regardless thats trout in the Virgin. I have walked up the narrows walk path several times and have seen large trout in the river on a few different occasions. I have also heard about big trout being taken, I have just never tried. I decided today was the day. I took off up the canyon around 3. I took my backpack and rode the shuttle up the narrows stop and walked up the path watching the river very closely. It was quite murky, but some areas with visibility. I walked to where I have seen the trout before, and came up with no visible fish, so I headed back down. I rode the shuttle back the weeping rock stop and took off up the river from there. This was my backdrop, it was something else. I started up river and finally saw some life. They were small fish, but looked like trout. They were mostly around 6", but saw one that was maybe 8" in the same pool. That gave me hope, so I got the rod ready and started off with a stimulator pattern, because there were grasshoppers all over. However, no bites. I was shocked. I took off to find more pools. I kept seeing small fish on my way up river. I then walked up a pool and saw a fish that had to be at least 16." I had no luck, but was given great hope. On my way back I watched some fish in a pool from above and couldn't tell if they were trout or chubs. I need to do some research. I will try again in a week or so when the water is more clear.
1 comment:
we just went to zion last week too, and clint was looking for fish in the rivers. wait until we get the pics back from the tour guide(s) from the boulders. they got some nice fish. i will post some. clint was too busy fishing to take any himself.
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