May 30-Steve and I got to Blue Springs fishing around 2. We started off pretty slow catching a couple. It was great weather probably around 70-75' and the water was up to 64'. We kept fishing through the afternoon, and I'm glad we did. It heated up quick, the fishing that is. Every time Steve hooked on I hooked on to a fish. It was awesome I think we had 3 double headers. Steve was having a blast, and I was too. I think we both ended up with 5 or 6. I can say that I have never had fish fight the way these fish are fighting this year. We would have caught more fish that night, but we were too busy fighting the fish we had. I think every fish took about 10-15 minutes to get released. All the fish varied from 17"-20," but all weighed a great deal. I caught one 20" that probably weighed 4-5lbs. We fished until around 8, Steve kept one trout to cook.
May 31-We took the girls down to the bottom of Lava Point to go hike West Rim Trail. Then the we (Brian, Steve, Me) got to fishing. Steve got Brian set up on shore bait fishing, and then came out on his tube. I caught a quick 3 on the spring side of the lake. I then went back to see if I could get Brian some fish. The fish weren't biting like the night before, but we gave it a shot. Brian was fishing bait of the bottom with weights. While he did that I was taking advantage of the fish swarming the shallows by the boat dock. I was catching frisky trout on dry flies off and on. I ended up taking a nap in the back of Steve's truck for about and hour. We then went back to the cabin for lunch after a pretty unproductive day for the Bacciocco's. We had a quick sandwich and were back at it. I snagged a couple of my Grandma's bubbles out of her fishing box, and showed them how I used to set up for bait fishing. Within 3o seconds, no joke, he had a fish. Steve was quick to follow. They ended up catching 4-5, and keeping a couple for my Grandma. I kept fishing from the shore catching fish on dries, I didn't count, but it was quite constant for sometime. It was windy to begin the day, but to end was quite nice, we fished from 9 -2. Again the fish are fighting uncontrollably. Its great.
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