Thursday, September 18, 2008

Asay Again

Today Matt and I took off early for a little fishing trip. I was getting my truck repaired, and he was out early for SEOP's. We decided to go to Asay. We left around 12 and got there around 2. We started fishing the mammoth river down where the big cottonwoods are right before the Asay flows into it. We had all right luck i caught a 10-11" right off the get go, on a bh prince nymph dropped behind a stimulator. We then drove back to where Ty and I fished the week before. We worked are way up the river heading south from the town of Hatch. Matt caught one as soon as we got there on a dry. I stared fishing up stream and had minor success' with dry's and nymphs. Caught a few smaller fish, and missed many on the dry. Matt and i started working are way up river and both catching and missing fish fairly often. On our way up river i caught another 10". It put up a great fight and on the strike nailed a black zebra midge as soon as it touched the water. While walking up the river I spooked a fish out of a pool into the open. It was at least a 17" brown. It was seriously huge. I couldn't believe that size of fish would be in these waters. We both kept getting hits and for the most part missing them, but still having fun. When we were just about done, we saw another huge fish swimming through the river. I couldn't believe the size of these fish. I'm excited to give the Asay another shot and possibly snag a couple of those big browns. The fish were bigger this trip, but not as constant. The weather was off and on. It was raining when we got there and quickly after the sun shone through and burned off the clouds. We also saw a coyote by the river and on the way home saw a gray fox in Zion.

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