Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Day Back

The old ball and chain let me sneak out finally this weekend for some fishing. Just kidding first weekend as a married man and I was out fishing, told you so all you haters. I woke up and went towards Circleville. I fished the water I usually fish when I go that way. Started off with a yellow zoo cougar and on one of my first casts I floated downstream and pulled up towards a good bank and had a vicious take from a nice 18" brown. I fished up river and managed to get my zoo cougar stuck in a high tree behind me. While trying tug it out of the tree one of my ferrules on my Sage SLT 4 weight broke in half. I was so disappointed I left to fish water further down the road, so I could cool down. I ended up driving towards Hatch and fishing the area there. I caught a bunch of dinky rainbows, but it was a good time. It was nice to get back on the water. 3 weeks I went without fishing just about killed me. Hope I can manage to get out again;) Sorry no pictures I forgot my camera and my buff.


Mike said...

No buff? How did you ever survive? How high was the flow? I about lost Oakley last time I was there, 6 ft higher then last time we were there.

kolobflyfishing said...

It was about the same as before in the canyon, but down toward hatchtown everything was really low. Lets get out you hippie,I wanna see those new cute waders.