Why We Went..........
The old fart above went on a scout trip with his son's scout troop and they ended up catching lots of fish this size. Worst part of all is this sob fishes about once a year and always catches hogs.
What we Caught

This trip was suppose to be a bunch of guys from work, but it ended up just me and Lyf. WE took off after work and got a little fishing in the first night. We only fished for around 6 hours the nex day, where the guys in the top pics were there 3 days. It was our first time fishing this part of the mountain and when we go back our next trip we will kill it or rape it, whichever you prefer. Lyf was new to the area in general and I think enjoyed it and the tiger trout was a first for him too. I hope after seeing the camp host he will at least consider watching, "Deliverance". I hummed the tune of that song most of the trip after meeting that fangled tooth redneck.